In 2012, when I was diagnosed with cancer, and told I had less than a year to live, I felt like I had two choices:
1) Give in to the fear and uncertainty and get my affairs in order and prepare to die,
2) Trust that God would show me how to overcome it.
Well, that was well over 5 years ago now, and if you’re reading this, you know that I chose option #2.
I’m still alive…and doing very well!
God did give me wisdom, encouragement and supernatural strength, and because of it, my life has not been the same (for the better).
But if I were to drill down a little bit, there was something specifically God showed me, that I believe was a primary catalyst for my healing and success…
He showed me I needed a “why”.
Specifically, “why” did I want to live? “Why” did I want to commit to whatever changes I would need to make? “Why” did it even matter?
While there are a few different “why’s” that were in my heart, there was one in-particular:
I wanted to live to see my grandchildren.
And I’m here to tell you, that dream has been fulfilled. And it was totally worth pressing through my cancer and overcoming in order to experience it.
My daughter just gave birth to my first grand-baby, a beautiful boy named Grayson.

Holding him in my arms has brought so much joy, happiness and fulfillment. He’s perfect in every way.
Sometimes in the journey of overcoming, we can get discouraged because it seems like the dream (the healing, the victory, the “whatever you need to see happen”) won’t come to pass.
Proverbs 13:12 says “hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life”.
My longing of seeing and enjoying Grayson (and all my beautiful grand-babies yet to be born) has been and will continue to be fulfilled. I have other “why’s” that I’m still pursuing. Don’t worry, I’m just getting started!
Remember what got me here: the “why”. I wanted to live to see my grandchildren.
What is your “why”? What is the reason you are willing to press through your current circumstances in order to receive the fulfillment of the dream?
This Post Has 3 Comments
❤️???????????? Hallelujah!
Thank You so much Andrea for sharing your powerful testimony and for ministering to my heart. This brought me to my knees ????????❤️????????????and gives me so much hope and encouragement to PRESS THROUGH and PRESS ON!
… to remember my ‘why’ and TRUST daddy God that He is faithful to fulfill the dream, the desire of My heart! I’m taking your testimony of God’s faithfulness to you and receive it as my own too. ❤️????????????????????
Praise the Lord! ????????
Amen, His beautiful reward for your “whys”. Thank you for your awesome testimony and strength to stay His course! His love abounds! Waiting, expecting my “whys” in Your perfect time, Lord!
I was just thinking, can you imagine if you chose #1. Wow, what a loss it would have been for so many people. Thank God, He is your #1 and you chose to believe in Him and His word. You are a true blessing Andrea. God is using you to bless so many people. Thank you. My “whys” are my family (including 3 grand daughters so far) and I and to help people be aware there are other ways to choose other than conventional ways.