When God formed us, He gave us the innate ability to think for ourselves.
He didn’t create us to be robots that wander the earth singing His praises day in and day out.
No, He gave us the gift of free will and free thinking. From the moment we are conceived, our brains begin to develop, and we begin forming belief systems based off what we are experiencing.
If we were born to parents who were abusive and lived life in a constant state of fighting, we will more than likely begin to believe that life is a hard battle and that abuse to ourselves and others is normal. If we were born to parents who were attentive and showed unconditional love, we will learn to love others and ourselves the same.
Now, we live in a fallen world. I don’t think that there is a single person who has gone through their entire childhood without experiencing some sort of hurt and rejection. Each life experience gives us the opportunity to form thoughts and belief systems.
From a scientific standpoint, every time we have a thought, our brain creates a groove, or pathway if you will, in our brain. Every time we have the same reoccurring thought, the groove gets deeper and deeper into the brain, making it harder and harder to iron out if needed.
If you’ve lived your entire life thinking that you are a failure or a disappointment, you are going to live as though you are a failure and a disappointment!
I could have spent my life allowing my past to dictate my thoughts.
I’m a divorced woman…no one wants me.
I use to work in the strip clubs…I am unclean.
I am addicted to sugar…I will never have self-control.
But thank God we don’t have to live that way!
The truth is that many of us are completely unaware of the thoughts that go in and out of our head on a daily basis. A study showed that it’s possible we could have up to 60,000 thoughts per day! It also showed that on average, 98% of those thoughts are reoccurring, meaning that you’ve had them every day for days on end!
If you’re someone who suffers from “stinkin thinkin,” that is a scary statistic!
The good news is that our brain has a distinct ability to be changed and renewed. Your negative thoughts don’t have to be permanent!
You can let go of being a victim to your past and your belief systems and take back power and authority over your thought life!
What is on your mind matters. And remember, you ultimately control what that is.
When you realize that you are in control, it will put you on a course to freedom, overcoming and joy that you may have never experienced before!
This Post Has 3 Comments
Soooo good! I just wrote a very similar piece on my blog. Love seeing this truth pervade the body of Christ!
I love this! So amazing when God reveals His truth! I love that God’s thoughts towards us are ALWAYS good and ALWAYS love! Thank you for sharing!
I love this, and the mind truly is everything, it not only affects your mind but your physical body also, and I learned through God that all the time we sit and harbor in bad thoughts that effects our bodies negatively we have to harbor in and meditate on His word and have that bless our bodies. For it is written in Proverbs 4:20-22
“My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.
Thank you for your message Andrea, and God Bless.