Physical health is not just about your body, it’s about getting your whole self in order.
Another way to say it is: good health is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.
I believe you want a healthy lifestyle and not just a fad that fades away.
Good physical health that is sustainable for long term will invite you to engage in learning about YOU and what it will take for you to have a lifestyle to position you for long-term success.
It’s important to consider things like: your family history, your metabolism, your activity level, your age, your gender, your blood type, and your likes and dislikes.
When you discover these things, you can begin to design your very own approach to good physical health.
When I was fighting for my life after that cancer diagnosis I realized this and it’s one of the most important thing I encourage others with about their physical health.
If you lose your health, you lose everything! I heard it said, “ You are no good to God or others if you are sick or dead.”
While I hope and pray you don’t have to, I had to put my entire life on hold for 2 years! I was in the fight for my life and that is all I could do or think of 24/7.
This is why I am so passionate about sharing these things with you.
Good health needs to be a priority for you so that you can run your race successfully to the finish line.
This life is not all about you! It’s definitely not all about me either…You have much to do! I am convinced that God is raising up an army of people and He wants His army healthy; mentally, spiritually and yes… Physically!
Managing and stewarding our bodies is vital and it is a responsibility given to us when God gave us the gift of life! God will use you powerfully and effectively so you and I need to be ready for the long-term!
I am so excited for you and what you are going to discover about yourself along the way.
While at first it may seem like a daunting task, I can promise you the discovery is worth it!
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Thank you and God Bless and keep you strong. Helen