When I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and given about a year to live, I knew I was in a real fight for my life. It was interesting how part of the protocol for my healing was allowing my body to rest. There it was again, that word rest.
I was told by the experts that fighting for my life was about letting my body rest. That was going to be hard for me because I was not wired that way. I was not a sit still kind of girl.
I also learned I didn’t know what real rest looked like. Rest, in that season, meant meditating on God’s Word; it meant putting on my music and doing things that took my mind off the present situation.
Resting meant speaking life over myself even though everything around me was speaking death including the medical professionals. I very vividly remember the moment the doc said, “You have a year at best.”
That’s when it became real and the fight for my life began; it just didn’t happen the way I thought. I distinctly remember the kind voice of God saying to me, “Andrea, do you believe me or not? Do you believe what My Word says or not?”
And that’s when Romans 12:2 became my life verse, literally the verse that brought me life. If you aren’t familiar with that scripture, I am here to help you. Check this out:
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
I had to renew my very thought process, and what the world was saying could no longer matter. I wasn’t going to align with what the world said anymore; they were saying things like “you are going to die” and “you are going to be in so much agony.” I had to decide who I was going to agree with, God or the world.
Again, hear what I’m saying. I had to renew my very thought process, and what the world was saying could no longer matter.
Fighting from a place of rest was possible because I was fighting with the Sword of the Spirit, the very Word of God; It is said to deflect every flaming arrow of the enemy.
Words of death could no longer penetrate the words of life I had discovered in my Bible. I had to choose to believe the words of life. I had to learn how to create an environment of life.
I realized I didn’t have to engage in this fight from a place of panic, chaos or disappointment because God had given me the tools and resources I needed. He had given me wisdom and knowledge of how to do it.
And I, like you in your unique life situations, had to choose to change, even before I saw the effect of the change.
The choice was easier than I thought it would be. And the results have been completely worth it.
This Post Has 2 Comments
Thank you Andrea, for your voice. Just the word, ‘cancer’, has such fear attached to it.
When I went through ovarian cancer, some wise person said to me, ‘the facts are not the truth.’ I decided to believe God and His Word, not the facts coming from the medical community. I am happy to say I am cancer free and have a stronger faith and relationship with God because of trusting in Him through that season.
Bless you and all you are doing to help people get healthy spirit, soul and body.
Cheryl – Thank you for your testimony. Ironically the day it was written was the day I needed it most. However in my daily distractions and grief I did not open he email. Tonight it was opened on it own, but I know that was the Holy Spirit. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December of 2012 after surgery I was cancer free. however the drs. decided it was best if I did preventative treatment which I did. Durning that time the Lord had spoken to me and asked me to trust him and the verse he gave me was in the book of Luke of the woman with the blood disease who believed if she could just touch the hem of Jesus garment she would be healed and she was. Not sure if you know this but it is the only time that Jesus referred to a woman as daughter. I held on tight but unfortunately in June of 2017 I had a reoccurrence of breast cancer that had metastasized in my brain and lungs . It was the Holy Spirit once more that got me to the Dr. early before the disease had progressed further. I have told my drs that before I was placed in my mothers wound that all the days of my life were written in the Book of Life and nothing not even cancer can change what my Lord has designed for me. They just smile but I know that I know that I will be cancer free again by the precious blood of Jesus and his sacrifice he made for all of us at the cross. I pray that my testimony can win many souls for Jesus. I pray that God Bless you and Andrea always.